Jessie At Home


Fun, yarn, and home repair

It has been a rather interesting couple of weeks. There has been lots of good times, and lots of home repair/renovations as well.


This was one day last week. It was a bit chilly out, and we had arrived at school early, so we stayed in the car and had a dance break for a couple of songs. I believe “Against the Wind” was on for this dance.


One night last week I had the urge to make a seed stitch & entrelac dish cloth. The squares were easy and quick, but the triangles were a bit fussy. I think if I do anything with this pattern I will make the triangle garter or stockinette. It will be less fussy and it will make a pretty border as well.

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Trick or Treat!! 2014

Well, the crazy holiday season is officially underway, and we have survived the first holiday. It was actually a great day. Halloween is Vada’s favorite holiday. She wears Halloween themed clothing year round.

The girls had a half day at school, then they went back at 2 for the optional costume parade. Doug’s mom came by just before they got out for the half day, so she picked them up with me, helped to get them in their costumes, and went to the parade with us. It was very nice to have her along.


Here are the girls as we left to go to the costume parade. Vada is Merida from Brave, and Kyla is Elsa from Frozen.


This little girl is a friend of theirs who is in first grade (yes, she is younger than them). She had on my favorite costume of the day!

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Back on Track

I am feeling a lot better, thank you for all the well wishes here and on Facebook! I’m not back to my full self yet, but I will be soon, and I am finally at the point where I can be productive. Plus, typing doesn’t hurt anymore! Sometimes something hits me all at once, and really hard, and my immune system attacks and drains all my energy to fight! It’s great having an immune system that takes no prisoners, but when it goes into full on attack mode, there is very little I can do other than sleep. Any energy I can muster is usually stored up to take a shower. So, I was knocked out for the weekend, but about half way through yesterday I started to feel like one of the living again.

Anyway, I have put together a few snaps from the past week to share.

Doug’s school was off for the Jewish holiday on Thursday (Happy New Year to my Jewish readers! May it bring you joy and love!). He told me on Tuesday. Shortly after telling me, he emerged from the kitchen, “The washer is broken.”

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Happy Birthday Grammy!!

Today is my Grammy’s Birthday. She and my Grampy have 11 children, my mother being the oldest. They are all wonderful. I feel so blessed to be part of this crazy, loving, giant, loving, fabulous, and loving family. One of Grammy’s amazing daughters, my Aunt Jeannie, wrote this little tribute to her on Facebook today, and I just had to share it with you. *With Jeannie’s permission, of course. Lessons learned while doing life with my Mom I’m 4 years … Read more

2014 Knit and Crochet Show, part 2 ~or~ our 3 weeks of crazy, part 2

When I last left you, Andee and I had taken a moment for a mentor/mentee photo op just before the annual CGOA member meeting. At the end of the member meeting, the winners of the 2014 CGOA Design Competition. Then we all adjourned to the marketplace for the pre~opening. We were able to walk around the marketplace, and see the display of all the design competition entries and winners. I took some photos, which I will share with you, but … Read more

The Best Laid Plans ~ or ~ When does school start again?

So I had these grand plans for the week. I was going to run to AC Moore this morning to grab some yarn for the process photos that I am adding to the Fall Leaves wrap, along with a 2 color leaf option (this means I will be making another wrap to show the 2 color option, made in yarn that can be bought from most craft stores.) Then I was going to make a Stitchopedia video for the linen stitch and get that up today. That way by the end of the week I could have the pattern for the Baker’s Tee up for you. That pattern will be free here on this blog, and I wanted the linen stitch Stitchopedia post done first as the Baker’s Tee is made with the linen st. Then there were other videos and patterns to be worked on over the week, along with getting more posts up. Oh the plans.

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2014 Knit and Crochet Show, part 1 ~or~ our 3 weeks of crazy, part 1

OK, we returned home on Friday, Mom flew back to Sicily Monday night, and we are still not totally unpacked, but it is time I start sharing the crazy with you! Here are the girls in the days before we left. Kyla was getting some quality napping~on~Daddy time, and Vada built a castle to take on the trip out of some empty Baker’s Cotton spools. You’ll see why I have so many empty Baker’s Cotton spools as the trip posts … Read more



I’m home. Mom, the girls, and I got back yesterday evening, but my computer cord only got back a few hours ago with Doug. I have TONS to share with you. I need to go through photos and get my head back in the game, but I should be back to posting in two or three days. My mom is still visiting until Monday night when she flies back to Sicily. I don’t get to see her often, so I … Read more


The Seventh Birthday Retro Party (and some other stuff)

The girls turned 7 on Sunday. I have some snaps to share with you to show our festivities. Plus a little bit of yarnie stuff at the end of the post. 🙂 I think this was the day before their birthday. Doug was so proud of them! For their birthday breakfast, banana pancakes with real maple syrup and fresh strawberries. Yummy!! Here is Birthday Girl Kyla ready to party! And Birthday Girl Vada is all ready as well! Like I … Read more


Home and back to work

I will try to catch you up on the goings~on of the past couple weeks. I don’t remember when this was, but the girls were having a cute little tea party. I love Vada’s little pinky sticking up. I know I shared with you when the girls were going outside to make art. Here is the portrait of Kyla they made. When I went out to bring them lunch, Kyla was laying on the driveway and Vada was tracing her. … Read more

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